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RJ Squared Sculptural Form Copper Glaze12x9x3.75

RJ Hand Formed Wood Fired Bowl 12 dx4.5 3FD093A3-006A-4C43-97AE-1F58D4714A6A_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Hand Formed Wood Fired Bowl 12 dx4.5

86D40808-8156-4938-A93A-D7821F56E2E9_1_105_c.jpeg 1609ADCD-915B-4F7E-8D93-D93AC2E2A33E_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Sculptural Bowl Yellow Glaze6.5x8.5

RJ Vase Form Wood Fired 11x8 4B497AB1-F2E8-418E-BB96-CD812C6C5646_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Vase Form Wood Fired 11x8

E5CEF557-F7CD-446B-AA5B-6163036C5EB9_1_105_c.jpeg 06F2E22E-CF49-4F2F-A3CB-3C1801602C75_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Large Lobed Vase Form Wood Fired 13.5x9.5

RJ Bird Candle Holder 9x4x5 ACE6459A-7BE5-4D12-81F8-A12979794652_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Bird Candle Holder 9x4x5

B80B0133-BFBE-427B-BE28-7BABC1048A8D_1_105_c.jpeg 07303D02-984A-4E55-A597-87A8E4459929_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Teapot wood Fired 12x10x7

RJ Teapot wood Fired 11x7x8h 7CC90054-A709-4437-99F8-48D58365D661_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Teapot wood Fired 11x7x8h

RJ Yunomi 446 Glaze with layered iron brushwork 4.25x3.5 5415381E-3696-4CC1-A5D2-CC6BB7461CBF_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Yunomi 446 Glaze with layered iron brushwork 4.25x3.5

2BF32BCC-823D-4896-B276-4098B2BE32F2_1_105_c.jpeg 635770EC-D12B-4A75-9F78-9D2F01D31FD5_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Oval Box Form

CEA09AD0-9602-4315-9E2C-E4CA4105B0D3_1_105_c.jpeg BD0945FF-96FF-4430-B05E-09B62011D28E_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Green VaseCopper Green Glaze Handbuilt 8x5.5x2.5

RJ  Two Square Luncheon Plates Nuka Glaze 9x1.5 1A48CF75-0916-47AA-BFC7-F46385630E03_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Two Square Luncheon Plates Nuka Glaze 9x1.5

RJ Bird Candle holder Wood Fired 5.75x3.75 861BC172-F676-44F1-B002-82622734331F_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Bird Candle holder Wood Fired 5.75x3.75

RJ Box Form Wood Fired 8x5.25x4 767260E9-2A22-4C8D-B2F7-3DED8EBE535C_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Box Form Wood Fired 8x5.25x4

IMG_2596.jpeg IMG_2597.jpeg

RJ Tea Bowl Wood Fired Shino Glaze Layers 5x3.5

RJ Cone Vase Form 6.5x5x2 F495FBA3-A600-447D-811D-4FA32C54A5F0_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Cone Vase Form 6.5x5x2

RJ Oval Vase form Wood Fired B325D117-E921-46D7-A271-3313F8FAD7D1_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Oval Vase form Wood Fired

0DB84053-7FE0-496E-9606-2D1D16E3B716_1_105_c.jpeg 468FED1C-1118-4967-8EE3-7E0D0D4D51CD_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ large Platter Nuka glaze w/ red overglaze and black trailing 20 d x4

FD51DCCB-7EE0-4B30-B3A0-233E37F32997_1_105_c.jpeg B3E169D8-8E0F-4273-9FDD-105BD320BDE6_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Square Sushi tray 12.5x12.5

091514F7-4CD9-4745-8614-AB00FDAD78C3_1_105_c.jpeg CE0A4A38-E2C5-4492-AB28-DB4E19FFF56D_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Sushi Tray Shino Glaze 12x2.5x4.75

IMG_2589.jpeg IMG_2590.jpeg

RJ Katkuchi "curt mouth" bowl form 13x10.25x5.25

RJ Tea Bowl Wood Fired Shino Layers 4.75x3.5 CF1BF11F-D59D-45E6-824D-BA0A93AC9600_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Tea Bowl Wood Fired Shino Layers 4.75x3.5

2778801E-E74E-4770-BFDC-CCEC414C491B_1_105_c.jpeg 13D4D8E4-FDEA-4DA0-9344-0A80AAA1B86C_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Teabowl, woodfired 5x3.5

RJ Four Oval Bowls Shino Glaze 7.5x6x4.5 F800E29F-7FD5-4031-B86D-1BD0197F4B93_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Four Oval Bowls Shino Glaze 7.5x6x4.5

C058E465-FA81-48CF-85D0-168E1C115591_1_105_c.jpeg 52A0F214-61F1-4B69-B660-CF9CA7D83741_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Rd Covered Reliquery 4.5x3.25

IMG_2579.jpeg IMG_2580.jpeg

RJ Vase Form Shino Layers over iron 10x10.25x5.5

46EFEB65-B26F-44F4-9E48-CB1C84E9E75F_1_105_c.jpeg 4C17E39E-D8BC-438A-A9B2-3FEB6EB4BAA9_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Tray Form Yellow and Black 10x8x3

6D5E53D9-E8CF-4A5E-AACA-581780B700C2_1_105_c.jpeg 46EC5583-3C08-4264-A049-4290E7DAB607_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Oval Vase Form 5.75x9.25x2.75

EAB85AE8-094C-4CB7-8820-8D9AADC28A0D_1_105_c.jpeg BF9753F3-66B2-4175-8384-A0D614C2294F_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Lg Sushi Platter Wood Fired 12.75x12.75

6473E94E-30AE-4A8F-B930-E0BE69F6666C_1_102_a.jpeg 6B3EDBDC-5699-4418-BF7D-A8DF680050FF_1_102_a.jpeg

RJ Yunomi Nuka Glaze w ion brushwork layers 4.25x

IMG_2564.jpeg IMG_2565.jpeg

RJ Round Reliquary jar 5x3

27E2B7FF-163E-4777-B7BD-D3F05B1430E9_1_105_c.jpeg AE3D31A2-9BC0-4D0B-AF5C-1858D3FD2081_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Wood Fired Asymetrical tray form 12.75x11x3.75

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired Flashing Slip Impressed Rope Pattern 4x3.5 673C7FE3-A8AC-41F8-BC7D-7507D9ED80B0_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired Flashing Slip Impressed Rope Pattern 4x3.5

4D2E1688-3306-4CB9-BDE5-E3D9A1F0DF3D_1_105_c.jpeg 89E8C18D-87F8-4B6B-83FF-FEEB8B0E6E87_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ yellow Bird w/candle cup

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired 4.25x3.5 42A3FD1C-86FF-41C5-8088-E7DBD5235D6D_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired 4.25x3.5

IMG_9374.jpeg IMG_9375.jpeg

RJ Figurative Vase Form Wood fired Yellow Glaze Black Slip 15x6x4

RJ Teabowl Woodfired layers of Shino glaze5x3 8753AA9E-5B91-4308-92FE-CB4127700950_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Teabowl Woodfired layers of Shino glaze5x3

RJ Tapered Vase Form Wood Fired Nuka Glaze 11.5x7.5x3 E88CA0D8-D97B-43F6-8569-32684EC6207C_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Tapered Vase Form Wood Fired Nuka Glaze 11.5x7.5x3

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired 4.25x3.5 4922B50F-37D7-4C83-8FB3-4179390567DC_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Yunomi Wood Fired 4.25x3.5

IMG_2577.jpeg IMG_2576.jpeg

RJ Oval Vase Form Copper Glaze 10x10.25x4

BDC17978-D234-4741-A544-34ED046AD697_1_105_c.jpeg 87777A8E-0A9F-40F0-AC3C-BE7F5FD5AFF1_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Wood Fired Bowl Form 11.5x3.25

RJ Sushi Tray Shino Glaze 11x5.75x2.5 4C1F2EAA-67F8-41F7-ABD9-E9A1DA86CA5E_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Sushi Tray Shino Glaze 11x5.75x2.5

RJ Vase Form Wood Fired Yellow Glaze 14x12x4w 5414B1B6-0563-4DDC-87A3-90E744F6987B_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Vase Form Wood Fired Yellow Glaze 14x12x4w

6D81F41D-1DDE-4A48-9F5C-F539C9802D7C_1_105_c.jpeg 5D6EC341-FAE6-4040-AC04-B65585FDBAA9_1_105_c.jpeg
sold out

RJ Squared Vase Form 11.5x8 Crackle Shino Glaze

078ED184-D15B-4BD4-A307-0B86412A3300_1_102_a.jpeg 1B46FA00-8C16-43EB-A201-A0D62D2E9E99_1_102_a.jpeg
sold out

RJ Yunomi Nuka Glaze w Iron Layers 4.25x3.5

RJ Triangular Box Form Nuka Glaze 8.75x5.5x4 407ECB6D-6FF2-44D5-A5A4-E66D9DB59142_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Triangular Box Form Nuka Glaze 8.75x5.5x4

RJ Four Triagulated Tenmoku Glaze 7x4 025BB600-6A10-4D6C-B6E5-CBF148DAC268_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Four Triagulated Tenmoku Glaze 7x4

RJ Mug Shino Glaze 3.75x3.75 C80FABEA-9C45-4F7F-8996-42A4067620A2_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Mug Shino Glaze 3.75x3.75

RJ Mug Shino Glaze 3.75x3.75 A0BECF24-EBE4-4A07-96AC-CD0414EDC573_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Mug Shino Glaze 3.75x3.75

IMG_1699.jpeg IMG_1700.jpeg

RJ Oval Tray Form 446 Glaze Iron and Amber

E06A50DA-1CFA-40A1-B723-6353A84EC8D1_1_105_c.jpeg C795A717-4597-4D79-9E73-A3CA54734737_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Reliquary Covered Form 5x3h

IMG_1693.jpeg IMG_1694.jpeg

RJ Small Sushi Tray 446 iron and Amber Brush decoration

RJ Mug Celadon Glaze Wood Fired 4x3.25 F26AEC89-3109-41D1-A50C-762C2EBB1770_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Mug Celadon Glaze Wood Fired 4x3.25

RJ Mug Celadon Glaze Wood Fired 4x3.25 7D1B31EA-1820-41BC-94E4-5DB2C8A70A3B_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Mug Celadon Glaze Wood Fired 4x3.25

IMG_7509.jpeg IMG_7503.jpeg

RJ Square plate Wood Fired 8.25x8.25x1.25

E40F5F13-B77A-40AC-A568-3E9F992E6700_1_105_c.jpeg 1E5729DE-0BBF-41E7-973A-65D0FEF17F7E_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Vase form. Wood Fired 15x5.5x5.5

IMG_2593.jpeg IMG_2594.jpeg

RJ Vase Form wood Fired 7.5x2.5

75944CC1-4B63-46E3-B8ED-5679FAA1B90A_1_105_c.jpeg 0CAEC9CA-C560-4EE6-BA69-28BFFFF3752B_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Vase Form w/Skirt 14x4.5x7

IMG_0877.jpeg IMG_0875.jpeg

RJ Long Sushi Platter

IMG_1979.jpeg IMG_1980 2.jpeg

RJ Guinomi Ceremonial Sake or Whiskey cup

1FCA3108-5D98-43B6-BFCA-98C3CC8E3840_1_105_c.jpeg 13B6D5F2-5F30-4211-9680-C1414788E526_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Guinomi Ceremonial Sake/ Whiskey cup 3.25

RJ Dinner Plate  Shino Glaze 10.75x1.5 C3325A78-EBB0-4E33-97EF-06F98E061164_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Dinner Plate Shino Glaze 10.75x1.5

RJ Dinner Plate Shino Glaze 10.75x1.5 009A0635-AAB0-42D5-9057-ECA6A2582A32_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Dinner Plate Shino Glaze 10.75x1.5

738564C4-56C5-4952-B9D7-3EA6A1CAE61A_1_105_c.jpeg 09C77C57-16FD-40B4-A26D-447781201869_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Oval Vase Wood Fired 15x7.5x3

DC44C01E-2EFE-4816-AAA0-592C51ECFB10_1_105_c.jpeg C8A5FF1E-39B3-449D-836F-59CE4EDF0C83_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Folded Tray Form Wood Fired 15.5x9.5x3.25

IMG_9401.jpeg IMG_9399.jpeg

RJ Vase Form Shino Glaze w/Natural ash 13x6x6

EBCBBF23-DFC0-4924-9AEE-49DE3B07DF67_1_105_c.jpeg C87F35A6-67B6-4190-A0D6-B6550C3102AF_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ large Jar Form Anagama Fired 16x16

A81B1F06-25F9-42FE-B4E8-0A307D0BB7DD_1_105_c.jpeg 38230CB7-40D5-4967-BD33-AF8D83C5E416_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Figurative Vase Form 9.5 6.5x3.5

AF43D20B-CAE1-4BD4-8D65-99358571B326_1_105_c.jpeg 06F34782-9ACF-4A93-B686-27DC0769A7BC_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Guinomi Ceremonial Sake/ Whiskey cup 2.5x3d

IMG_0038.jpeg IMG_0037.jpeg

RJ Sushi Plate Shino Glaze with Iron slip and Brushwork

IMG_0204.jpeg IMG_0203.jpeg

RJ Tall Vase Form

0905F5D0-4431-49B0-8994-043739B74D2F_1_105_c.jpeg 05DA6E1D-9C44-4E0A-AACD-6DE81350B01A_1_105_c.jpeg

RJ Oval Vase w/ skirt 12x5x9

RJ Tall Figure Vase Copper Glaze 19.25x9.5x6.5
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RJ Tall Figure Vase Copper Glaze 19.25x9.5x6.5

0E9BF6BF-3EB2-44BB-9142-BBFB3686F184_1_201_a.jpeg 21FFCDC6-9755-4BE8-B598-52E03AE5177B_1_105_c.jpeg
sold out

RJ Sculptural form 14x6.5x4.5

RJ   Four Triangular Bowls Wood fired Shino Glaze 6.75x4 5CBA60D0-DF3B-4510-8AF2-97B5BD50CE5A_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Four Triangular Bowls Wood fired Shino Glaze 6.75x4

RJ Four Tenmoku Triangulated Bowls 7x4 D55FD6FF-463A-4326-B55C-CCF46CEC6BBB_1_102_a.jpeg
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RJ Four Tenmoku Triangulated Bowls 7x4

RJ "tiger stripe" mug 4x3
sold out

RJ "tiger stripe" mug 4x3

RJ Mug Shino Glaze w wax resist brushwork 4x3.25
sold out

RJ Mug Shino Glaze w wax resist brushwork 4x3.25

RJ Set of FIVE Salad Plates 8 in diameter 96C96C96-BA4B-40C4-B2B9-CD4A27F9FCFC_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Set of FIVE Salad Plates 8 in diameter

0DBF5D8D-04BF-4074-8761-71AAC412F2BA_1_105_c.jpeg E649FA92-0424-4082-A306-CD8D5CB6A42A_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Round Covered Pot Wood Fired Natural Ash 4.75x3.25

IMG_2440.jpeg IMG_2441.jpeg
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RJ Double Walled Sculpture Copper Glaze

RJ Mug Tenmoku Black Glaze 3.5x3.75
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RJ Mug Tenmoku Black Glaze 3.5x3.75

RJ  Tray Form Wood Fired 14x13x3.5 9C0293A7-0601-4706-9E98-4DF1774BFF43_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Tray Form Wood Fired 14x13x3.5

IMG_9352.jpeg IMG_9353.jpeg
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RJ folded Tray form Nuka Glaze 11x9.5x3.5

IMG_8513.jpeg IMG_8512.jpeg
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RJ Lobed Serving Bowl Wood Fired 10x4.5

RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3
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RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3

RJ Vase Form Nuka glaze 9.5x7.5 IMG_9393.jpeg
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RJ Vase Form Nuka glaze 9.5x7.5

RJ Set FOUR Tenmoku Glazed soup Bowls 9.25x2.5 8DCE4834-3644-4538-8D9A-3DE342212D75_1_102_a.jpeg
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RJ Set FOUR Tenmoku Glazed soup Bowls 9.25x2.5

RJ Dinner Plate Tenmoku Glaze 10.25x2 279A7AF2-614E-49FD-B3B1-FCFF31BA9F77_1_102_a.jpeg
sold out

RJ Dinner Plate Tenmoku Glaze 10.25x2

RJ Reliiquary Covered pot Shino Glaze w/impressed rope pattern 4x2.75 2136DA03-C795-490D-BDB2-E1EDCB73C166_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Reliiquary Covered pot Shino Glaze w/impressed rope pattern 4x2.75

RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3
sold out

RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3

RJ Squared Reliquary Box Form Copper Glaze 5.75x4 IMG_2437.jpeg
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RJ Squared Reliquary Box Form Copper Glaze 5.75x4

48D9FF95-42C4-4F0E-8AA0-F07126ED15D7_1_105_c.jpeg F8514ED2-A7F7-407A-92ED-47310DAA056F_1_105_c.jpeg
sold out

RJ Small Folded Tray Form 11.25x6x2.5

491F8EFC-BF45-4235-982C-CCDD184C3F73_1_105_c.jpeg BD1C29BE-7A8E-44AB-BE77-F816E3F8E2E4_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Small Oval Vase Nuka Glaze 5.5x5x2

RJ Vase Form Wood fired Nuka Glaze 16x6.5x6.5 IMG_9403.jpeg
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RJ Vase Form Wood fired Nuka Glaze 16x6.5x6.5

RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3
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RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3

95B658B4-C81E-4326-B76B-F50922E116C7_1_105_c.jpeg 863D4003-8FB2-44F3-8216-13BE5886090C_1_105_c.jpeg
sold out

RJ Vase Wood Fired Shino Glaze with Natural Ash 13.5x10

IMG_2680.jpeg 279A7AF2-614E-49FD-B3B1-FCFF31BA9F77_1_102_a.jpeg
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RJ Dinner Plate Tenmoku Glaze 10.25 x2

IMG_0194.jpeg IMG_0195.jpeg
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RJ Dry Nuka Stacked Vase Form

9195B20A-AE88-4955-9273-1F9A9D8556ED_1_105_c.jpeg 0CFC5996-4138-47FE-ABF6-0B0922A28A11_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Box Form 5.5x3.5 Nuka Glaze

RJ Luncheon Plate  yellow Glaze 9.25x1.5 IMG_9365.jpeg
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RJ Luncheon Plate yellow Glaze 9.25x1.5

RJ Set TWO Luncheon Plates Fingeer Wipe Pattern 9.25x1.5 8225C139-FF59-4D83-831A-B025D5362A11_1_105_c.jpeg
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RJ Set TWO Luncheon Plates Fingeer Wipe Pattern 9.25x1.5

RJ Mug Nuka Glaze 4x3.25
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RJ Mug Nuka Glaze 4x3.25

RJ Mug Nuka Glaze 4x3.25
sold out

RJ Mug Nuka Glaze 4x3.25

RJ "tiger stripe" mug 4x3
sold out

RJ "tiger stripe" mug 4x3

RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3
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RJ Mug Wood Fired 4x3
